February 13, 2020 Agenda

Tentative Agenda
Council Chamber 120 N. 7th, Rich Hill
February 13, 2020 8:00 p.m.
  1. Call to Order
  2. Moment of Silence
  3. Pledge of Allegiance
  4. Roll Call
  5. Approval of the Agenda
  6. Guests
    1. Steven Mellenbruch – Trash Service
  7. Public Comments: Each speaker shall be limited to 3 minutes
    1. PERSONS WHO PARTICIPATE IN THE CITIZEN COMMENT PORTION OF THE MEETING SHOULD BE AWARE THAT THE FOLLOWING STATEMENT WILL BE READ INTO THE RECORD IN ORDER TO AFFORD LISTENERS A FULLER UNDERSTANDING AS TO THE NATURE OF THE PROCEEDINGSMembers of the audience and those reading our minutes are reminded that the Board of Aldermen do not control or vouch for the accuracy or truthfulness of any statements made by those who participate in the citizen comment portion of our meeting.
  8. Minutes
    1. Waive the Reading of the Minutes
    2. Approval of the Minutes
      1. Board Meeting 1/8/20
      2. Special Board Meeting 1/22/20
    3. Approval of Closed Session Minutes
      1. Board Meeting 1/8/20
  9. Financials
    1. Bills for payment
      1. Operating Cash $65,623.93
      2. Restricted $0
      3. Designated $0
      4. Total Payment $65,623.93
    2. Financial Statement
    3. Check Register
    4. Transaction Register
  10. Purchase Orders
  11. New Business
    1. Resolution 2020-2 City Fee Schedule
    2. Power Plant Bypass Bids
  12. Reports
    1. Alliance Report
    2. Electric Report
    3. Fire Report
    4. Police Report
    5. Superintendent Report
    6. Mayor’s Report
  13. Closed Session Section 610.021 RSMo. Paragraph #1 Legal, #3 Personnel, #12 Negotiated Contracts and #13 Personnel Records
  14. Adjournment