0854 – Plumbing License




BE IT ORDAINED, by the Board of Aldermen of the City of Rich Hill, Missouri, as follows:



For the purposes of this ordinance the following terms, phrases, words, and their derivation have the meaning given herein, unless the context specifically indicates otherwise:

Section 1.  “Plumbing” shall mean the installation of all pipes for the conduction of water, gas or sewerage, the replacement or repair thereof and installation of fixtures or other appurtenances thereto.

Section 2.  “Plumbing inspector” shall mean a person appointed by the Board of Aldermen who shall be the authorized representative of the City to make such inspections as are necessary to properly carry out the provisions of this ordinance.  The plumbing inspector may be the Superintendent of Sewage Works or other authorized representative designated by the Board of Aldermen.


Section 1.  No person shall engage in the business of plumbing in the City without first obtaining a City license as such plumber as provided in this article.

Section 2.  Every person desiring to engage in the business of plumbing in the City shall pass an examinations as to his qualification and fitness as plumber; provided, however, that those persons who were engaged in the business of plumbing in this City on the Date of the enactment of this ordinance shall be entitled to be licensed as plumbers with a written examination.

Section 3.  Applicants for plumbers’ license shall submit to examination by a board of plumbing examiners.  The examination shall be prepared by the board of plumbing examiners and shall be changed from time to time.  The board of plumbing examiners shall consist of mayor, the plumbing inspector and one impartial citizen from the city who shall be appointed by the mayor with the consent and approval of the Board of Aldermen.  Each member of the board of plumbing examiners shall receive for their services in the examination of each applicant the sum of $2.50 dollars.

Section 4.  Before a plumbers license is issued to any applicant therefore he shall file with the City Clerk a bond with securities approved by the Mayor in the sum of One Thousand Dollars ($1,000.00) to protect the City from all loss or damage that may result from negligence or the use of any improper materials by the applicant furnishing such bond or any agent, servant or employee of his in the doing of any work within the City.  The bond required by this section shall be maintained in a current status for each period of license renewal and failure to comply with this provision shall automatically affect the revocation of the license.  All plumbers doing work within the city limits of Rich Hill, Missouri must have liability insurance.  The City of Rich Hill shall in no way be held responsible for damages, losses, or accidents or any other claims against any plumber or plumbers’ employee.

Section 5.  Each applicant for a plumber’s license who has not previously been licensed as a plumber in the City shall pay a fee of $25.00 dollars for the first year.  Each plumber’s license shall be annually renewed on the firsts day of January, in each year upon the payment of a renewal fee of $25.00 dollars.

Section 6.  Each applicant for a plumbers license who has not previously been licensed as a plumber in the City shall make application to the City Clerk and pay to the City Clerk at the time of such application in the sum of $7.50 dollars.  If the applicant successfully passes the examination, the board of plumbing examiners shall issue to him a certificate of passing which when presented to the City Clerk shall be authority for the City Clerk to issue a plumbers license.  The plumbers’ license shall be issued upon the payment by the applicant of the remainder of the first year license fee as provided above.  If the applicant fails to pass the examination, the examination fee shall be retained by the City to compensate it for the cost of such examination.

Section 7.  A plumber’s license may be revoked upon recommendation from the Board of Examiners to the Board of Aldermen for cause without recourse.

Section 8.  No license under this article shall be transferred from one person to another person.


Section 1.  Every plumber shall secure from the City Clerk a permit to do any plumbing work before commencing such work; provided, however, that such a permit shall not be required by a home owner to repair leaks, or unstop pipes or repair where such work does not require digging in the streets or easements granted to the City by property owners.

Section 2.  All applications for permits to do new or rebuilt plumbing work shall be made upon forms furnished by the City and shall state the locations of the proposed work, the owner of the premises and the name and location of the plumber doing the work.  A complete description of the work to be done shall be furnished either in writing or by drawings.

Section 3.  The City Clerk shall issue a permit for the particular plumbing work described in an application if:

  1. If the plumbing work is to be done by a person for hire, that person is a properly and duly licensed plumber.

Section 3.  The City shall provide a copy of such permit which shall be posted in a conspicuous place on the location given in the application for such permit and another copy of the permit shall be kept on file by the City.  The plumbing inspector shall certify on both copies of such permit that the work has been completed, inspected and approved when such has been done.

Section 4.  Each plumber shall give the plumbing inspector at least four (4) hours notice of the time he desires inspection made and the plumbing inspector shall make such inspection as soon as may be practicable after receipt of such notice.

Section 5.  The plumbing inspector shall inspect all plumbing before it shall be concealed to determine whether the provision of this ordinance or other ordinances have been complied with.

Section 6.  If the plumbing inspector finds that any part of the plumbing fails to pass inspection, the plumber or person doing the plumbing work shall remove such work and shall replace it in such a way that it shall pass inspection.

Section 7.  An applicant for a permit to do plumbing work shall deposit with the City Clerk the following fees for issuance of permits and inspections in addition to any fees required by other ordinances:

  1. For sewer inspections $2.50 Dollars;
  2. For water or gas connections and plumbing $2.50 Dollars;
  3. For water or gas piping $2.50 Dollars; to include inspection of one hundred feet (100 feet) of pipe and at least one fixture.
  4. For any work requiring repairing or resurfacing of any street or alley or public property please refer to Ordinance #831 Section 9. This section shall also apply to this ordinance.


Section 1.  Any person, firm, or corporation violating this ordinance shall upon conviction be fined in an amount not exceeding One Hundred Dollars ($100.00) and Court costs or be imprisoned.  Each day such violation is committed or permitted to continue shall constitute a separate offense and shall be punishable as such hereunder.

Section 2.  Any person, firm, or corporation violating any of the provisions of this ordinance shall become liable to the City for any expense, loss or damage occasioned the City by reason of such violation.

Section 3.  All ordinance or parts of ordinances in conflict with the provisions of their ordinance are hereby repealed.

Section 4.  This ordinance shall be in force and affect from and after its passage and approval as provided by law.

READ the third time and passed this 28-day of January 1978.

APPROVED, this 28 day of January 1978


William Thelen-Mayor


Marcelle Marquardt-City Clerk

No voting records