0617 – Licensing Billiard & Pool Tables



BE IT ORDAINED by the Board of Aldermen of the City of Rich Hill, Missouri, as follows:

Section 1.  It shall be unlawful for any person, company, association, co-partnership or corporation to keep, conduct or maintain any billiard or pool hall or room, or conduct, keep or maintain for use any billiard or pool table within the corporate limits of the city of Rich Hill, Missouri, without first having procured a license therefore from the Board of Aldermen of the City of Rich Hill, Missouri as herein provided.

Section 2.  All applications for license under the provisions of this ordinance shall be made in writing and filed with the Clerk of the City of Rich Hill, and said application shall state the name or names of the person or persons, company, association, co-partnership, or corporation proposing and desiring to conduct, keep or maintain such location of said hall, room or tables and the name or names of the resident owners of real estate in the block wherein such hall, room or tables is or are proposed to be maintained.

Section 3.  Should such applications be approved by the Board of Aldermen of the City of Rich Hill, it shall be the duty of the Clerk of the City of Rich Hill to prepare the said license applied for, for the term of which the Board of Aldermen may have granted the same which shall not be for more than one (1) year.  Such license when signed by the Mayor of the City of Rich Hill, Missouri, and counter signed by the Clerk of the City of Rich Hill, and the Seal of the City of Rich Hill affixed thereto, shall be delivered to the applicant from the Collector of City Licenses of Rich Hill indicating thereon that all licenses fees herein provided for have been paid in full.

Section 4.  The fees or tax for said license shall be at the rate of Twenty ($20.00) per annum for each billiard table and Ten Dollars ($10.00) per annum for each pool table, or one half (1/2) of said amounts for any license for a period of six (6) months, or one fourth (1/4) of said amounts for any period of three months or less; and in addition thereto, the applicant for said license shall pay to the Clerk of the City of Rich Hill the sum of Two Dollars ($2.00) for services in connection with the application for and issuance of said license.

Section 5.  Nothing in this Ordinance shall be construed to require any such license from any person who may have and maintain a billiard or pool table in any private residence for the use of the owner there of, his family or guests or any lodge, fraternal organization or club duly organized and legally chartered as such by the State of Missouri, having in their lodge any of the aforesaid for the sole use of its members and where no fee is charged for the use of the billiard or pool tables referred to above.

Section 6.  Any person, company, association, co-partnership or corporation, conducting, keeping or maintaining any billiard or pool hall or room or conducting, keeping or maintaining any billiard or pool table within the corporate limits of the City of Rich Hill, Missouri, except as herein provided in the above Section 5, without a license therefore, shall be deemed to be guilty of a misdemeanor and upon conviction thereof, shall be fined not less than Ten Dollars ($10.00) nor more than One Hundred Dollars ($100.00), and each separate day of such conducting, keeping and maintaining shall constitute a separate offense.

Section 7.  No person, company, association, co-partnerships or corporation shall be granted a license to conduct, keep or maintain any pool hall in any block within the City of Rich Hill, Missouri, except with the written assent of the majority of the resident owners of real estate in said block.

Section 8.  All persons having license to conduct, keep or maintain any billiard or pool hall or billiard or pool tables, within the corporate limits of the City of Rich Hill, Missouri, are hereby prohibited from keeping open or using such hall, room or tables on Sunday or after 12:00 o’clock midnight on any week day.

Section 9.  All persons having license to conduct, keep or maintain any billiard or pool hall, or billiard or pool tables within the corporate limits of the City of Rich Hill, Missouri, are hereby prohibited from permitting any minor to play upon or use such table or tables except with the written consent of the parent or guardian, which written consent shall be posted and remain posted until the expiration of the license for said hall or tables or until said consent shall be revoked, upon a board plainly and permanently put up in such hall or room.

Section 10.  All person having license to conduct, keep or maintain any billiard or pool hall or billiard or pool tables within the corporate limits of he City of Rich Hill, Missouri, are hereby prohibited from permitting any minor or minors from loitering or remaining in such hall or room at any time except he be playing therein with the consent of the parent or guardian as provided herein.

Section 11.  All persons having license to conduct, keep or maintain any billiard hall or pool hall or billiard or pool tables within the corporate limits of the City of Rich Hill, Missouri, are hereby prohibited from permitting such hall or room to be used or frequented by any person using obscene or profane language therein or permitting therein any person under the influence of liquor, and are further prohibited from selling any intoxicating liquor therein or beer of alcoholic contents exceeding 3.2 per cent.

Section 12.  Any person, company, association, co-partnership or corporation violating any of the provisions of Sections Eight (8) Nine (9), Ten (10) and Eleven (11) hereof shall be deemed to be guilty of a misdemeanor and upon conviction thereof shall be fined not less than One Dollar ($1.00) not more than One Hundred Dollars ($100.00); and such conviction may at the option of the Board of Aldermen of the City of Rich Hill, Missouri, further operate to revoke the license of such person, company, association, co-partnership or corporation.

Section 13.  All ordinances or parts of ordinances in conflict herewith, of the City of Rich Hill, Missouri, are hereby repealed.

Section 14.  This ordinance shall be in force from and after it’s passage and approval.

Read three (3) times and passed this 14th day of May 1955.


J.D. Engels-Mayor


R.G. Earsom-City Clerk

No voting record